The seminar on “New points of the Labour Code 2019” organized by VBLC (Vietnam Business Lawyers Club) took place at Saigon Hotel (47 Dong Du street, District 1, HCMC) on 2 October 2020.
The main content of the seminar included two main legal issues as follows:
- Legal issues associated with the COVID-19 outbreak; and
- New points of the Labour Code 2019 as compared to the Labour Code 2012.
Regarding Topic 1, the COVID-19 pandemic has made many businesses in Vietnam to fall into a difficult situation such as the shortage of raw materials for production, interruption of international trade, and consumption market are reduced which leads the businesses to reduce operating costs, including labour costs. The speakers shared legal issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic such as employers’ responsibilities and social insurance and health insurance policies towards employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For Topic 2, as compared to the 2012 Labour Code, the Labour Code 2019 (will take effect from 1 January 2021) has nearly 50 new points that the employer needs to pay attention to, including the businesses must actively review and adjust internal labour regulations, collective labour agreements, labour contracts, bonus regulations … to conform to the new regulations of the Labour Code 2019. Attending the Seminar was Lawyer Duong Tieng Thu with nearly 20 years of experience in the field of Labour & Employment and Lawyer Lac Thi Tu Duy who is in charge of labour disputes settlement practice of Phuoc & Partners