Nowadays, together with the international integration of Vietnam in all fields, including economics, culture, education, science, technology, etc., the demand for learning foreign languages of the Vietnamese has more and more increased. Along with such trend, the establishment of foreign language centres has become a favourable investment. Therefore, the investors need to understand the procedures for the establishment of foreign language centres.
Procedures for the establishment of foreign language centres of the companies without foreign investment capital are as follows:
Step 1: Obtaining the license for establishment of a foreign language centre
(According to Article 47 of Decree no. 46/2017/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Article 1.20 of the Decree no.135/2018/ND-CP)
a) The application dossier for the license for establishment of a foreign language centre are as follows:
(i) Application form for establishment of a foreign language centre;
(ii) Plan of establishment of a foreign language centre, including the following contents: name and location of the foreign language centre, necessity and legal basis for the establishment of foreign language centre; objectives and tasks of the foreign language centre; curriculum, training scale and facilities of the foreign language centre; organizational structure of the foreign language centre, curriculum vitae of the person expected to be the director of the foreign language centre;
(iii) Draft of the internal rules of operation of the foreign language centre.
b) Licensing authority:
Director of the Department of Education and Training of the province/city where the centre is located (except for the foreign language centres located inside the campus of universities, colleges, institutes and the foreign languages centres incorporated by social organisations, socio-professional organisations).
c) Time of issuance of the license for establishment of a foreign language centre:
15 working days from the date of full receipt of the legitimate application dossier.
d) Result: The license for establishment of a foreign language centre.
Step 2: Obtaining an operation license of the foreign language centre
a) Conditions of operation of the foreign language centres ;
(According to Article 48 of Decree no. 46/2017/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Article 1.21 of the Decree no.135/2018/ND-CP)
(i) Having qualified administrative officers, teachers and employees in accordance with the operation requirements of foreign language centres.
(ii) Having adequate facilities, equipment, curriculums, teaching materials and reasonable financial sources to ensure training quality in conformity with the centre’s development plan and operation scale.
b) Application dossier for obtaining the operation license of the foreign language centre includes:
(Article 49 of Decree no. 46/2017/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Article 1.22 of the Decree no.135/2018/ND-CP)
(i) Request form for the operation license;
(ii) Certified copy of the License for establishment of a foreign language centre;
(iii) Internal rules of educational operation of the foreign language centre;
(iv) Report on facilities, equipment, curriculums and teaching materials; administrative officers and teachers; evidence of the right to use land and house, financial sources ensuring the operation of the foreign language centre.
c) Licensing authority:
Director of the Department of Education and Training of the province/city where the centre is located (except for the foreign language centres located inside the campus of universities, colleges, institutes).
d) Time of issuance of the operation license:
20 working days from the date of full receipt of the legitimate application dossier.
e) Result: Operation license of the foreign language centre.
If you face difficulties in understanding and/or proceeding with the procedures for establishment of foreign language centres, do not hesitate to contact us. Phuoc & Associartes is a professional consulting firm and has much experience in proceeding with the procedures for establishment of foreign language centres in Vietnam.